You are missing the point.
Working for a "lesser" conference is a value judgement. Not everyone might agree that a conference is better than another conference. I can name two in my area that the assignors think are "better" than other conferences and many officials have no desire to work with those assignors. So you have to be very careful about what some mike call a "lesser conference."
Just because you are honest is not going to save you. You can be completely honest and not be working at all. It is not about telling the truth or lying at all. This is about giving back games and thinking that it is a good practice. As I stated before, this really is about the area and the assignor you are dealing with. I know someone that got banded from a conference and the officials was doing a college game in place of the HS game that he gave back. Now he was honest and the assignor for this conference wants nothing to do with this official. So the moral of the story, be very careful before you get in the habit of this practice.
Like my mother used to say, you can be right and be dead.
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)