I think we could all agree, or at least most of us, that this is not an easy question with a 'set in stone' solution that will work for all situations. Moving up levels is one thing, which is what Chuck described, and I believe that is acceptable for the most part with most assignors. The situation Dan is in, however, is different and really must be handled very carefully. I have a similar situation and here is how I handle it, right or wrong. I basically work for five assignors or commissioners and have them ranked in my mind for the following reasons.
1. Larger schools, better quality ball, 3-man crews with quality partners, and the best pay in the area.
2. Medium size schools, decent ball, work 3-man and pay is fair.
3. Medium size schools with intense rivalries, work 2-man and get a little more pay.
4. Smaller schools, travel is excessive with no mileage.
5. No problem with the quality of ball and schools but the pay stinks, we work 3 games, one JV and two varsity for $85.
6. Neighboring state, pay is better but since I am out of state they give me leftovers and I do the same with them, works out fine.
My problem is slightly different since 1-5 send out their prospective schedules within 10 days of each other and three of them actually get together and compare notes before sending, so I get accept/reject contracts where I can compare and choose somewhat. My problem arises because I have one assignor who assigns #3 and #5, I like working in league #3 but, and I know it's not the assignors fault, I am appalled that #5 thinks they can continue to pay us with peanuts and get quality guys. But, what do you say when the assignor sends you games from both conferences? I am afraid that if I turn down all #5 games he will stop giving me #3 games. I have been taking two or three dates from #5 and turning the others down, while doing 10-12 in #3.
[Edited by devdog69 on Oct 2nd, 2002 at 05:04 PM]
Church Basketball "The brawl that begins with a prayer"