Thread: ruling please.
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Old Thu Dec 18, 2008, 10:25am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by OHBBREF View Post
the NCAA rule says that all players who May participate must be in the book and the starters designated in 3-3-1 then specifically designates the violation consequnces if not done in 3-3-2.
No it doesn't. Here's the NCAA rule:

Rule 3
Section 3. Lineup
Art. 1.
Before the 10-minute mark is reached on the game clock that is counting
down the time before the start of the game, each team shall supply the scorers
with names and uniform numbers of squad members who may participate, and
those of the five starting players.

Originally Posted by OHBBREF View Post
the Fed rules say At least 10 minutes before the scheduled starting time, each team shall supply the scorers with the name and number of each team member and designate the five starting players.
3-2-1. 3-2-2 designates violation consequnces if not done

So that question or reference is contrary to the written rule, the way I read it the missing play May participate if they get there and the Fed isn't real specific about players they want each team member in the book.

Could a member get some clarification as to how they come up with that interpretaion of the rule, it isn't like it is FIBBY or anything.
I'm failing to see the contradiction.

All that I can tell you is that the rules require each team member to be listed on the roster that the scorer receives. It is the scorer's job to write that info into the official book. If someone isn't listed on the supplied roster, then it will be a team technical foul if and when that individual participates. It's really that simple.

Last edited by Nevadaref; Thu Dec 18, 2008 at 11:07am.
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