Here's the situation: last year, I worked mainly two conferences in my area, each making up roughly 45% of my schedule - a few stragglers from other conferences making up the last 10%. It also just so happens that these two conferences are the two best conferences in the area, and by far.
This year, however, I had an assignor (from one of the "lesser" conferences) contact me with about 10 games for this upcoming season. I went ahead and took them, with the fear of sounding not interested and getting a bad name with the assignor. However, when the assignor for one of the two "premier" conferences contacted me this morning, I felt chagrined that I could only take 5 games, and he sounded like he was doing his best to not be disappointed.
My point - would it have been acceptable to tell the assignor of the "lesser" conference that I'd like to wait for my schedule in the better conference before I commit to his games?
Advice would be appreciated!!!
Dan R.