Bob, totally agree about fans. The louder they are, the less they know about the rules.
This was a middle school game that my daughter was playing in, so Fed rules would apply in Indiana.
I coached middle school ball for 15 years, had the same pool of refs for most of that. I would go seasons without questioning a call from these guys. I realized hundreds of judgements were going on at once on every play.
So when I did question a call, because I wasn't always on them, they always came over and really discussed the play with me, let me make my point, and often times agreed with me, too late of course

The other thing that really helped me were 2 phrases, Legal Guarding Position and Advantage / Disadvantage. Usually when I discussed calls with that terminology, the ref knew I knew what I was talking about. As opposed to the screamer at the other bench calling for an "over the back".