Thread: Thayne Thomas
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Old Mon Sep 30, 2002, 07:41pm
DrakeM DrakeM is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 411
This message is mainly for any Utah officials that frequent this Board, but a fellow official passed away yesterday.
Thayne Thomas was an official, but was a Husband and a Father first and foremost. Thayne tried his hand at officiating in the High School ranks, but grew tired of the politics and I'm sure was happier spending time with his family. Recently he and his wife welcomed a new baby into the family. Thayne had not been feeling well, and went to the Doctor where they found a tumor. He was waiting for a follow-up appointment when he became ill. He went to the hospital, where he then passed away.
Thayne never really had aspirations in basketball other than to get a little exercise and have fun. Nothing wrong with that.
This also serves as a reminder to me, that we can never take friendships for granted. If you have someone in your life that you care about, let them know TODAY! You never know what tomorrow may bring.
Thank you,
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