Thread: Whats the call?
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Old Fri Dec 05, 2008, 12:47pm
youngump youngump is offline
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Originally Posted by DaveASA/FED View Post
As others have said, you rule on what happened when it happened. At the point of contact you have to judge was the ball fair or foul. If Fair we get INT cause you can be attempting to retire an offensive player (thus making a play) if foul then it is just a foul ball, no chance to make a play (can't get an out on a foul ball) so no chance for INT.

In your other case as others have said, at the time of the contact the ball is in fair territory so it is ruled a fair ball and the INT is enforced. And also as stated the out is not for what might happen is it for what did happen. Heck in your case the same could happen, ball could hit rock or bad spot in field and roll foul before it was ever touched....BUT in that case the ball was in fair territory when you stop action for the INT, so it is ruled fair and the INT enforced regardless of where the ball went after the contact.
No, in my case the ball was foul at the time of the hindrance. The fielder was attempting to field a live ball. It became dead because of the interference and at that point it couldn't be played. There are other pathological situations where you could have interference where you have to assume the ball wasn't going to be dead before it got to the fielder. For example a fly ball where the fielder is shoved out of the way followed by a massive wind blowing it out of play. He wasn't actually making a play because he had no opportunity to retire the runner. However, I've got a dead ball at the time of interference unless I never believed he had a play. I'm predicting the future.

Notwithstanding, I'm mildly but slightly convinced that the intent of the rule here is to make interference while the ball is foul a legal way to avoid being put out. Were I on the rules committee, it'd be changing next year. But that's not going to happen. The OP I am strongly convinced and my variant very mildly.

Last edited by youngump; Mon Sep 19, 2011 at 06:35pm.
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