Thread: Blarge alert!!!
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Old Fri Dec 05, 2008, 06:32am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1 View Post
Actually, that is not my understanding. It was stressed at our pre-season clinics that the Lead has everything in the lane. It doesn't matter which side of the basket it's on. If it's coming to the basket, then once it gets inside the lane, the Lead has first crack.

I agree with this, and this was the other part of what was stressed at the clinics. Inside the lane, it's the Lead; but the opposite block is still the C.
Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
This morning's 60 Seconds on Officiating (how did I get on that list, anyway) covers the blarge.

Here's the only interesting comment in that article (to me, anyway):

"In a three person crew, mechanics differ on the level. While NFHS/IAABO mechanics still allow the CENTER to officiate their half of the paint ... and CCA mechanics encourage the LEAD to take all block-charges in the paint."
The same was covered in the meeting that I attended. We looked at each other and all said, "Huh? Nah, they can't really mean it that way. They just phrased it poorly when writing it."

If the NCAA is really saying that it wants the Lead official to call on the other half of the lane through those big bodies, then they simply haven't thought this one through very well. That's such a poor idea.

PS I am amused by the comment by Goodwillref!
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