Survey says?
1) Why shell out the dough on a black HSM w/ titanium cage when a cheaper alternative may consider product A)
Warrior Pro Z Black Lacrosse Helmet & Titanium Mask L - eBay (item 400014619205 end time Dec-07-08 20:10:29 PST)
or product B)
Warrior Viking HVKB Black Lacrosse Helmet & Mask XL - eBay (item 400014042524 end time Dec-07-08 19:34:28 PST)
2) Would you buy a LSH? Consider these benefits: A) cost less, B) improved air flow, C) cage protection on par w/ HSM, D) improved vision, E) less vulnerable collar, F) eliminate pads, and G) less risk of concussion.
3) Do you consider this LSH a visual/fashion improvement over the HSM?
For comparison: