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Old Wed Sep 25, 2002, 10:42am
STEVED21 STEVED21 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 223
Wellcome Bigdawgg,

Hope I can help.

1. The ball is dead if caught or recovered with R's knee on the ground.

2. This is a touchback. Any kick that breaks the goal line is a touchback. The fact that R touched the ball has no effect in FED.

Originally posted by Bigdawgg65
Punt from the Ks 3 yard line for the 4th down.

Ball is poorly kick and lands 1 yard past the line of scrimmage in R NZ. The ball makes contact with R lineman, who is oblivious to the location of the ball, and the ball bounces back over the line of scrimmage and is picked up by K and run for a forward gain of 3 yds but not past the fist down marker.

Who's ball is it ? [/B]
3. I am a little confused by this question. If the ball is past the line of scrimmage it is also in advance of the neutral zone. However, by rule, if R touches a scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone, the team in possession at the end of the down will begin a new series. In your post, 1st and 10 A.
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