Thread: order of FT
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Old Wed Dec 03, 2008, 10:33am
chartrusepengui chartrusepengui is offline
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order of FT

Last night - JVB - Blue team gets tip and scores. White coming down court. I'm trail. As I pass table - scorer has hand in air. White pushing ball quickly. Partner calls a block in paint and try misses. He indicates 2 shots. At this time - horn sounds and table says that Blue has wrong # in book. The kid scoring the basket had the wrong #. No problem - T - coach ok with it.

Now which to administer first?

Partner and I had quick discussion. I told him about the wave from the scorekeeper as I was passing prior to the action under basket. We went with shooting the 2 for the T first and then filled the lane for the two throws because of the block.

We did it this way because the table was trying to tell us of wrong number prior to the whistle for the block - so we "did them in order"

What would you have done?
When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!
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