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Old Tue Dec 02, 2008, 12:12pm
Kevin Finnerty Kevin Finnerty is offline
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Originally Posted by ozzy6900 View Post
You know what? I happen to have two daughters who agree that if you want equality, it should be equality all the way! they played softball and girl's basketball. Neither would dream of playing baseball as they both said that men are barbaric when it comes to sports (that's their opinion, not mine).

Now you can take your statement and shove it where the sun doesn't shine, there Gordie! And so can the rest of you out there!
Often you will see that along with narrow-mindedness also comes extreme defensiveness. Since your views are obviously biased and knee-jerk in nature, it is unlikely that anything close to a majority would agree--even in the relatively conservative legion of umpires. I am sorry that you think that your narrow brand of thinking goes on in anything close to the majority of people, because it does not. Your being defensive about it to the exclusion of all others, and in the process, to the exclusion of intelligent debate, is quite common among those who form their beliefs in that manner, and serves to prove that your stance is weak. Your narrow, little world that includes and considers only your experiences, has yielded an unrealistic and somewhat backward picture for all of us to see.

After spewing that crap, you were bound to get lit up. Take it with a whole lot more grace.

Last edited by Kevin Finnerty; Tue Dec 02, 2008 at 12:19pm.