Thread: Blarge alert!!!
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Old Tue Dec 02, 2008, 10:52am
RookieDude RookieDude is offline
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Dick Cartmel (5 Final Four Appearances) was at our local meeting last night.

He talked about this very play. He stated that he just received a memo, about Blarges, probably as a result of this play.

I actually asked him if he would get together with the other official and determine either a block or a charge....and not go with the dreaded blarge.

He said he couldn't do that...they are so scrutinized by video etc. that there is simply no way to change the "call" once they have "signaled" the foul.

He also said, as previously stated here, that they are moving more toward having the L take these calls, that are coming at them down the lane.
Dick didn't get real specific with that comment...but, I am sure it goes more along the lines of what Navadaref was stating.

Good meeting...with a lot of good information from an experienced D1 official.
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
Member since 1989
Richland, WA
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