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Old Mon Dec 01, 2008, 12:47pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Lightbulb Canadian Ruling

Originally Posted by FredFan7 View Post
4th and 10 for K at it's own 20 yard line.

K in scrimmage kick formation. Punter, K11, receives the snap, runs to his right and punts the ball at

a) the K 19 yard line
b) the K 23 yard line

In both situations R commits a roughing the kicker penalty.

The punt is downed at the R 30 yard line.

Does roughing the kicker apply?

Who gets the ball and where?

In each of (a) and (b), roughing the kicker doesn't apply as the kicker left the normal kicking position.

(Assuming that 'running to his right' is more than a step or two. If it is a step - perhaps two - I would still allow the kicker protection if his style of kicking is kicking sideways - like a rugby player does. But running to one side sounds like multiple steps where the protection is lost.)
Pope Francis
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