Sun Nov 30, 2008, 11:28pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 15,012
Originally Posted by just another ref
Does NCAA have a case play for this?
Yes, but it contains some fuzzy wording.
A.R. 172. A1 drives to the basket and:
(1) The referee calls a player-control foul and an umpire calls a
block; or
(2) The referee calls a charge and an umpire calls a block.
RULING: This is uncharacteristic of a double personal foul where one official adjudicates the obviously committed fouls against two opponents.
(Men) In (1) and (2), the two officials disagree that the fouls
occurred simultaneously. In (1), the ball shall be awarded to Team A,
the team in control, at the point of interruption with no reset of the
shot clock.
(Rule 2-11.7.f, 7-4.1.d and 7-5.8)
In (2), the two officials disagree as to whether there was a charge
or a block, however, the ball was released by A1. Although there is
no team control while a ball is in flight, when the goal is successful,
play shall resume at the point of interruption by awarding the ball to
Team B, the team not credited with the score, at the end line with the
privilege to run the end line. When the try is not successful, play shall
resume at the point of interruption with the use of the alternating
possession arrow and a reset of the shot clock. (Rule 7-5.9)
(Women) In (1) and (2), when the officials signal simultaneously,
they shall get together and agree to give the call to the official who
had the play originate in his/her primary. When the officials disagree
that the fouls occurred simultaneously, they shall determine which
foul occurred first. Once a decision is reached, that foul is reported to
the official scorer and the appropriate penalty is assessed.
(Rule 4-9, 4-10, 4-29 and 4-35.1)