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Old Sat Nov 29, 2008, 11:20pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by closetotheedge View Post
Been playing and watching b-ball for 40 years and I don't think I've ever seen a double personal foul called. But I'm studying for my first exam.

A-1 is to shoot a free throw. A-2 and B-2, positioned along the lane, are called for a double personal foul as
(a) the official is bouncing the ball to A-1:
(b) A-1 is holding the ball at the line:
(c) A-1 is in the act of shooting:
(d) A-1’s shot is in the air:
(e) A-1’s shot is in the basket:

I think -
In (a) and (b) the official reclaims the ball, reports the fouls to the table, and then A-1 gets his shot; there's no throw-in.
In (d) there's no team control at the point of interruption; the shot counts if it's good; then the AP arrow determines who gets a designated-spot throw-in behind the end line.
In (e) the shot counts; the official stops play and reports the fouls, then B gets a throw-in with the run of the end line.
What about (c)?

Thanks for any thoughts.
First of all the question is incorrectly written.
Under the conditions given in (a) the fouls must be technical fouls because the ball is dead until it is caught by the free thrower. So in (a) a double technical foul shall be called. The game will be resumed at the POI, which is A1 attempting the FT under the same conditions.

(b) The fouls make a double personal foul and the POI is used. A1 attempting his FT under the same conditions.

(c) A1's try is dead because a DPF has occurred and the try was not yet in flight. The ruling is the same as (b).

(d) Since the try is in the air when the DPF occurs, the result of the FT stands, whatever that may be. The POI depends upon whether this FT attempt was to be followed by another one or not and if it was successful or not.

(e) A1's FT counts, the DPF is reported, and the game resumes at the POI, which is either another FT for A1 or an end line throw-in for Team B. That would depend upon whether or not A1 is entitled to an additional FT.
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