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Old Fri Nov 28, 2008, 09:55am
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by zeedonk View Post
Wow. Those guys sure know how to flop.
I worked a D3 college game earlier this season. We're out there observing warm-ups. One team had everybody lined up in rows facing midcourt and the captain standing at midcourt, facing the team. The captain had a ball and he would move the ball left or right or up or down. And for each movement, the whole team would respond with a defensive move. If the ball went left, they all moved left, if the ball went down, they all dove to the floor, etc.

Well, when the captain pushed the ball out in front of him, toward the team, guess what they all did? That's right, they all flopped down on their backsides.

First time I ever saw anybody PRACTICE flopping. I couldn't believe it.
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