How to have a short memory?
I was calling a varsity boys game last night and had this situation: I was at C table side @ FT lane extended. Ball came accross into my primary and A1 starts to dribble drive on B1 5 feet away from me. I had a good look at the defense and while there was some bumping going on, I felt the defense had good position and was moving laterally in a legal guarding position. The offensive player was initiating the contact but not enough to get an advantage or displace the defense. My lead partner blows his whistle from lead opposite side and gets the defense for a block - coming accross the lane into my primary to a play now about 10 feet from me. Partner is a well thought of member of the association and called in the state finals last year.
I was more than a little upset that he came that far to call something in my primary. Typically, the only time we go outside of primary is when someone might be straightlined or there are body parts on the floor - trusting our partners to do their job. I unfortunately thought about this the rest of the half until I could talk to him about what he had - which also proved to be unsatisfying. After the game, I realised that I allowed my focus to be pulled away from the game and more on where he was and wondering if he was going to be calling in my area again.
Do you all have any suggestions on how to deal with getting a situation like that out of your head? I sure don't want it to happen again because I was pretty peeved and lost focus on the reason I was there.
Any suggestions welcomed.
Last edited by derwil; Thu Nov 27, 2008 at 07:30pm.