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Old Wed Nov 26, 2008, 03:09pm
chymechowder chymechowder is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 178
right...okay, call it unnecessary roughness. but the reason you'd have 15 + the ejection is because of the 14 yard charge right? it's the long run that makes it flagrant?

so why wouldn't it be flagrant on the kicker in the youtube clip?

I guess I'm just a little surprised that some people's reactions were along the lines of: Hey, I'm not gonna call that flagrant because I can't divine the intent of the fouler.

I appreciate that divining intent can be tricky. But that's part of the job!
And of course we dont want to throw around 15 yard penalties or ejections liberally. But if that youtube clip isn't flagrant, then honestly, what is? Does the player need to have a weapon before it's flagrant?

Also, it's misleading to compare the video hit to other legal hits that may be just as vicious...OF COURSE there are brutal legal hits. it's a violent game...but that's irrelevant. we're talking about personal fouls.
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