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Old Sat Sep 21, 2002, 07:26pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Re: Batter interference...7-3-5a not 7-3-5c

Originally posted by spots101
I hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question but....(FED) Batter squares to bunt, leans over the plate, and then waves the bat up and down in a circular-type motion. The way I have dealt with this in the past is to tell the batter not to do it again, explain why, and they have always (at least so far) complied but after reading the rule, I don't think I'm handling it the right way.

Based on rule 7-3-5a (A batter shall not interfere with the catcher's fielding or throwing by: leaning over home plate) would you just call the batter out no matter what based on the rule? In lower level ball it is probably better to explain. Has this ever happened to any of you and if so how did you handle it? Thanks.
This is during a steal attempt? If the leaning is such that the batter is hindering F2's view of the pitch (WAY out of the ordinary; obvious to all; very unlikely to happen), you could call interference, otherwise, it's just a "protection" swing -- call the strike.
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