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Old Tue Nov 25, 2008, 11:37am
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by mcdanrd View Post
PIAA ref has it right. According to the 2007-2009 Officials Manual 2.3.4B.5 "When the trail official signals a successful three-point attempt, the lead official SHALL NOT mirror the signal.

2.3.4B.6 says "When the lead offical signals a successful 3-point attempt the trail official SHALL mirror the signal.

I was told at state-wide association camp that the trail should mirror the 3-point attempt signal of the lead and at that point the lead should drop his/her attempt signal and the trail only will signal successful three-point attempt. The theory being that the lead will follow the action under the basket and the trail, with a wider viewing area, will be responsible for the basket.
What I don't like about the L dropping is that this mechanic confuses the issue if the L signalled prematurely. If the L drops because the toe was on the line at the last second, then the T is signalling a 3PA when it isn't.
Pope Francis
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