I linked the entire article for everybody who has not already read it, and there are only 7 states and D.C. who did not allow it this past season, not 10 as the article incorrectly states.
MORE IMPORTANTLY, Mr. Brad Cashman - Chairman of the NFHS Rules Committee was responding in part to the North Carolina SRI words, NOT MINE...and so the Chairman's direct words and quote carry TREMENDOUS weight because he understands BOTH sides, not just one side or the other. It is clear based on Mr. Cashman's quote the A-11 will not ruin the game in the least.
In fact, there are obviouly a whole lot of people who love the wide open, innovative aspect of the A-11, how it helps smaller teams be slightly more competitive, and all of the variables it offers up.
And now that our teams have played 22 straight games over two years without one of our players suffering a major injury in the A-11, it definitely helps to keep the kids safer too. Very much a strong point indeed.
Happy Holidays,
Last edited by KurtBryan; Mon Nov 24, 2008 at 12:05pm.