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Old Fri Sep 20, 2002, 09:09am
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Breaking it down

Maybe this will help. BTW, I'm doing this more for me
than for you!

The five correctable errors:

a. Failure to award a free throw
b. Award an unmerited FT
c. Permit the wrong player to attempt a FT
d. Shooting a FT at the wrong goal
e. Erroneously counting or canceling a score

You can see that 4 of these deal explicitely with free
throws. The fifth one is different from book keeping
errors, which can be corrected at any time. Notice that
giving the wrong team the ball during a throw-in is NOT
a correctable error- yes, this will happen during one of
your games, I guarantee it. :-)

To be correctable they must be recognized during the first
dead ball after the clock has started properly. This
means you have to know what makes the ball dead, rule 6.

However, if the error occurs when the clock is running
and the ball is dead (only concerns error e) then it
must be recognized before the second live ball after the error.

Time is never put back on the clock.

Points are never taken off, except points resulting
directly from errors b,c,d or e.

All fouls that happened remain EXCEPT those fouls
that happened DURING the ft of errors b,c or d. If the
foul is unsporting, flagrant, intentional or technical it
is NOT cancelled, regardless of when it happened.
Pay attention to the words in CAPS. Say during an unmerited
ft B1 pushes A1, not intentional. That foul is cancelled.
Of course it's not cancelled if the error is recognized
after the time limit. Say you T the coach during an
umnerited ft. The T is NOT cancelled.

If an error is corrected and you do not have to shoot ft's
then play is resumed from the point of interruption. If you
do have to shoot ft's (errors a,c,d) then you go to the POI
only if there has been a change in possesion since the error
occurred. Otherwise you line the players up & shoot as you normally would.

The NFHS case book on this is very good. It covers just
about everything.
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