A "correctible mistake" is a book-keeping mistake that is made by the official scorer.Some examples are counting a 3 point basket a 2,giving the points for a basket or foul shot to the wrong team,charging the wrong player with a foul,charging the wrong team with a time-out,etc.The referee must have firm knowledge that a mistake has been made by the scorer before he can correct it. Book-keeping mistakes can be corrected at any time by the referee until he approves the final score at the end of the game.Covered in Fed R2-11--11.
A "correctible error" is limited to 5 specific situations,and only comes into play when a rule is inadvertantly set aside.These situations are listed in R2-10-1(too lazy to write 'em all down).Correctible errors can only be corrected by an official if they are recognized during the first dead ball after the clock has properly started following the error.After that,they can't be changed.Covered in Fed R2-10.
Basically,there are two seperate classifications,and there are two seperate ways to handle them.