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Old Thu Nov 20, 2008, 03:46pm
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Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by OverAndBack View Post
No, I just mean in general. Too many rules, which change from year to year, not all of which you apply all the time and which we're expected to call up in the heat of the moment even though we haven't seen a similar situation in years.

Not that THIS particular rule is complicated. But the rulebook is unweildy and written in some other language. The fact the game is hard to officiate is evidenced by the numerous threads here and the debates over "what would you do?" or "what was the right call?"

Speaking in general terms, not specific terms.
I don't buy this. It's our JOB to know the rules. Sure, the rules aren't simple in all places, but hey, it's OUR JOB to know them. If we miss one, SHAME ON US.

And too many officials in football act like "that's the white hat's job."

Sorry, no. Every member of this crew is equally culpable for screwing the pooch on this one.
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