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Old Tue Nov 18, 2008, 08:35am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Revised 1997 Interpa

Printing Error: Rules book, Page 26, 4-11-1 should read “Continuous motion applies to a try or tap for field goals and free throws, but it has no significance...”
1997-98 and 1998-99 Officials’ Manual, Page 45 — Diagram had an official’s position omit- ted as to position during a “full” time-out. During a “full” time-out, the official will be on the center court line in the half opposite the table, as indicated in past manuals.

SITUATION #1: Al attempts a field goal and is fouled in the act of shooting by Bi. While the ball is on the rim, B2 bats the ball off the rim. RULING:B2 has interfered with the ball while it is on or within the basket, therefore, the goal shall count and’Al will be awarded one free throw. (4-6-1; 4-22-ib; 9-11-1)

SITUATION #2: After a field goal by Al, B2 dribbles the ball out of bounds along the base- line before passing the ball to a teammate. Is this legal?
RULING: Yes. Basketball Rules Fundamental No. 5 states: Neither the dribble nor traveling ruleoperates during thejump ball, throw-in or free throw.

SITUATION #3: Team A’s shirts have a four- inch diagonal multicolored design within the side insert. In addition, a 1-inch wide vertical trim extends on each side of the design.
RULING: The shirts are not legal as all trim and design/decorations must be included within the 4-inch insert. (3-4-lb)

SITUATION #4: Thrower Al inadvertently steps through the plane of the boundary line and touches the court inbounds. Al immediately steps back into normal out-of-bounds, throw-in position. The contact with the court was during a situation: (a) with or (b) without defensive pressure on the throw-in team.
RULING: A violation in both (a) and (b). (9-2-5) COMMENT: Whether or not there was defensive pressure or whether r not stepping on the court was inadvertent, it is a violation and no judgment is required in making the call.

SITUATION #5: Al is fouled in the act of shooting by Bl. While the ball is in the cylinder above the basket, A2 touches the ball.
RULING: The basket interference by A2 causes the ball to become dead and no goal can be scored. However, Al is awarded two free throws for being fouled in the act of shooting an unsuccessful try. Players must occupy lane spaces as required and play continues as per rule when the last free throw is made or missed. (6-7-9; 9-11-1)

SITUATION #6: Al is at the free-throw line for an attempt but does not yet have the ball. Bl and B2 are occupying the first lane spaces as required. Lane Spaces 2 and 3 on each side of the lane are vacant. B3 and B4 occupy the fourth lane spaces on each side of the lane. However, A2 and A3 then request to occupy Lane Space 4 on each side of the lane. Should the administering official grant the request even though Spaces 2 and 3 are unoccupied and the request was made after Team B took the fourth lane spaces?
RULING: The request is honored as Team A is entitled to each other’s alternate position along each lane line. The request must be made before the ball is at the disposal of the free thrower. (8-l-3b)

SITUATION #7: Al receives the ball with both feet off the floor and he or she lands simultaneously on both feet without establishing a pivot foot. Al then jumps off both feet in an attempt to try for goal, but realizing the shot may be blocked, Al drops the ball to the floor and dribbles.
RULING: Al has traveled as one foot must be considered to be a pivot and must be on the floor when the ballis released to start a dribble. The fact that no pivot foot had been established does not alter this ruling. (4-42-3c)

SITUATION #8: Al is out of bounds for a designated spot throw-in. The administering official has designated the spot and put the ball at Al’s disposal. In order to avoid some of the defensive pressure near the throw-in spot, Al takes several steps directly backward but keeps one foot on or over the designated area prior to releasing the ball on a throw-in pass.
RULING: Legal throw-in. It is permissible for the thrower to move backward or forward within the 3-foot-wide designated area without violating and he or she may move laterally if at least one foot is kept on or over the designated area. The thrower may also jump vertically and pass from the designated throw-in spot. (7-6-2)

SITUATION #9: Al fouls Bl just after the ball leaves the referee’s hand(s) on the jump to start the first extra period of play. Both teams are in the bonus. How is the alternating-possession arrow established?
RULING: When the bonus is in effect, the possession arrow is set toward the opponent’s basketwhen the ball is placed at the disposal of the free thrower. In this case when the ball is at the disposal of Al, the arrow is set pointing toward B’s basket. An overtime period is the only time the bonus would be in effect and a free throw(s) would result from a common foul. (4-3-3a)

SITUATION #10: During the jump to start the game, Al taps the ball out of bounds. Before the ball is at Bl’s disposal for a throw-in, B2 is charged with a technical foul.
RULING: Team A will attempt two free throws followed by a division-line throw-in opposite the table. When the ball is at the disposal of the thrower of Team A, the alternating-possession arrow will be set pointing toward Team B’s basket. (4-3-3c Note)

SITUATION #11: Al and Bl begin fighting and play is stopped. Substitute A6 leaves the bench area and enters the court at the same time, but B6 actually participates in the fight.
RULING: Al, Bl, A6 and B6 are all disqualified. No free throws result from the double flagrant foul by Al and Bl or from the simultaneous technical fouls by A6 and B6. Each head coach is charged with one indirect technical foul. Play resumes with an alternating-possession throw-in from the division line opposite the table. (10-6 Pen. ld)

SITUATION #12: The clock indicates one minute, 10 seconds left in the fourth quarter, when Team A makes a throw-in following a charged time-out. Team A then commits a 10- second backcourt violation, but the clock shows only eight seconds of the remaining playing time elapsed. The timekeeper indicates the clock was started when the throw-in pass was touched on the court.
RULING: Violation. Team B’s ball out of bounds for a throw-in at the nearest spot. The referee is authorized to make a correction in timekeeping “only when he or she has definite information relative to the time involved” and if the referee is certain there has been an obvious mistake. In the situation described, the referêe would not be able to determine whether a mistake in starting the clock has been made. There is no provision for the correction of an error made in the referee’s accuracy in counting seconds. (2-14-1)

SITUATION #13: Al and Bi are involved in a double technical-foul situation. The foul occurs in Team A’s frontcourt and with the possession arrow pointed towards A’s basket.
RULING: No free throws are awarded for the double technical foul. An alternating-possession throw-in by Team A wifi put the ball in play at the division line. (4-19-7b Note)

SITUATION #14: Al has the ball for a throw- in at the designated spot: (a) A2 is out of bounds during the throw-in by Al, or (b) A2 takes the ball from Al and makes the throw-in. RULING: A throw-in violation by A2 in both (a) and (b). (9-2-9; 9-2-12)

SITUATION #15: A2, while dribbling the ball, indicates to the official he wishes to call a 20- second time-out. As the official approaches the coach of Team A to verify the time-out, the coach indicates he wishes to have a regular time-out.
RULING: As long as the official has not report- ed the time-out to the official scorer, the change can be made as long as the team has one or more regular time-outs remaining. (5-11-2 Note)

Last edited by APG; Wed Oct 17, 2012 at 10:12pm. Reason: easier to read/spelling