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Old Mon Nov 17, 2008, 09:53pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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"Good Grief" (Good Ol Charlie Brown) ...

Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
Do you actually use it? Or just leave it in your pocket?
We've been taught, and continue to be taught, to switch the whistle from pocket to pocket, since 1985, when the alternating possession procedure first started. You would think that the table crews could learn the proper procedure in twenty-three years. We have table crew members who have never, in their entire life, seen more than one jump ball in a four period game, and have never attended a basketball game where there wasn't an arrow at the table.

And here's another opportunity for me to suggest two minor changes in the jump ball procedure. First, do away with the jump ball that starts the game. Second, we do away with the jump ball that starts the extra period. That's all. Just two little changes. Let's start the game with a coin toss, just like in football, and futball. I'll bring the coin. The loser of the toss gets to keep the coin, so everybody walks away happy.
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