Originally Posted by cford
Oh....so Team A is allowed to have it's 2 players in the 3rd marked lane space?
Forgive my ignorance, in Georgia I've been under the impression that players may not take the lane space of another team even if that team chooses not to use it. I'm now wondering if this is a Georgia deviation OR if I was taught wrong back in the day (and I have been perpetuating the myth.)
If anyone from Georgia knows the answer please let me know. (Georgia does deviate from NFHS and uses Womens NCAA Mechanics for some things.)
I can't tell you how Georgia does it, but I can confirm for you that under NFHS rules A2 and A3 can be in the 2nd and 3rd lane spaces on either the same side of the lane or opposite sides while A1 is attempting a FT. B4 and B5 must be in the bottom two spaces nearest the basket, which are ABOVE the block this season.
The NCAA Womens' game has locked all of the spaces as designated for one team only, and even if that team elects not to occupy such a space the opponent may NOT fill it. That rule is simply different from NFHS and NCAA Mens'.