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Old Mon Nov 17, 2008, 05:42pm
cford cford is offline
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8-1-4 Free Throw Lane Spaces

The rule and case book seem to contradict itself. It specifically says that "No teammate of the free thrower shall occupy" the first marked lane spaces but it doesn't specifically state this for the 2nd and 3rd marked spaces. The case book specifically states "four defensive players are permitted in any of the first three vacant marked lane spaces." Obviously the Case Book clearly states what is legal and what is not legal but is this what they were intending? Why would it not be written directly in the Rule Book what is legal?
2008-09 Rule Book:
. . . During a free throw, lane spaces may be occupied as follows:
a. Marked lane spaces may be occupied by a maximum of four defensive and two offensive players.
b. The lane areas from the end line up to, and including, the neutral-zone marks, shall remain vacant.
c. The first marked lane spaces on each side of the lane, above and adjacent to the neutral-zone marks, shall be occupied by opponents of the free thrower. No teammate of the free thrower shall occupy either of these marked lane spaces.
d. The second marked lane spaces on each side may be occupied by teammates of the free thrower.
e. The third marked lane spaces on each side, nearest the free thrower, may be occupied by the opponents of the free thrower.
f. Players shall be permitted to move along and across the lane to occupy a vacant marked lane space within the limitations listed in this rule.
g. Not more than one player may occupy any part of a marked lane space.

2008-09 Case Book:
: A1 is at the free-throw line for the first attempt of a bonus situation. In (a), two Team B and two Team A players occupy the first and second marked lane spaces, respectively. B3 occupies one of the third marked lane spaces. A3 attempts to occupy the vacant third marked lane space; or (b) two Team B players occupy the first marked lane spaces. The offense chooses not to occupy any marked lane spaces. Two more Team B players choose to occupy the second marked lane spaces.
RULING: Illegal in (a), A3 is not permitted to occupy the third marked lane space. Only two offensive players may occupy marked lane spaces during a free throw. If the improper alignment is not corrected prior to the thrower having the ball at his/her disposal, a free-throw violation shall be called on Team A immediately. Legal in (b), four defensive players are permitted in any of the first three vacant marked lane spaces.
Shouldn't the Rule book say:
d. The second marked lane spaces on each side may be occupied by teammates of the free thrower or if they choose not to occupy these lane spaces then the opponents of the free thrower may occupy these lane spaces.

Last edited by cford; Mon Nov 17, 2008 at 05:54pm.
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