Originally posted by greymule
This is especially true at the upper levels, where pitchers can put it wherever they want, and if they can pressure an ump into giving them a deep strike, they gain an enormous advantage...
I remember once at the beginning of a tournament final, the pitcher threw a deep pitch for ball one. He asked me where it was and shook his head a little. Next pitch was not quite as far back, but still deep. Ball two.
In all of my years of calling slow pitch, the "deep pitch" was a concept that I never got. Could you please clarify this for me? Is this just a terminology of some sort? To me, the pitch is judged a ball or a strike from where it passes through the strike zone, which in slow pitch is front knee to highest (usually back) shoulder at the plate. To me, "deep" rings of the conotation of where it lands behind the plate, which has absolutely nothing to do with it being a ball or strike. IS that in fact what it is referring to???
Now we see why I stick to fastpitch exclusively these days!!!!