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Old Mon Nov 17, 2008, 10:10am
Andy Andy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Glendale, AZ
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My FUBAR this weekend....

I am BU, R1 on third, 2 outs, batter gets a walk.

B/R runs down to first, turns and continues to second trying to draw a throw to score R1. F2 throws to F6 at second, B/R stops and is now in a rundown.

I bust in from the C position to cover the rundown between first and second. Ball is thrown to first, BR dives back in, I see her hand get to the bag before the tag, come up with a big sell SAFE...just as I am doing this, I see my partner come flying in down the first base line with a big overhand out call!!!!

I'm thinking...WTF are you doing?????

I call him over and ask what's going on..he says, "We had a rundown, I am bracketing it." So I ask him who was watching R1 and did she score before he called the out? His face just went blank and I could see him think....Oh Sh*t!!!!

I will tell you what we did later...what would any of you do?
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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