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Old Mon Nov 17, 2008, 09:43am
CajunNewBlue CajunNewBlue is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
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Posts: 642
Adjustments behind the plate....

Being a normal sized person 5'-7" and not one of you freakishly tall people 5'-8"+ I find that I can get blocked out a sometimes by these prototypical catchers during the pitch (squeezed out etc...) and personally, I adjust to get the best view. So anyways im in a discussion with some D-1 umpires up in Dallas and we are watching a catcher squeeze out one of the umpires working the plate and I say "d@mn I hate when that happens to me" and they just look at me and say just call em balls. DOH! I laughed and thought they were "messing" with me and then they decide to give me a lecture on catcher management and such. (I agreed with them and have done the "hey catch yer blocking my view whisper thing" My only point was that in the manual it states that we shouldn't call balls without trying to adjust and they said once you go down and set "never ever ever ever move".... any thoughts?
Will Rogers must not have ever officiated in Louisiana.
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