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Old Sun Nov 16, 2008, 11:33am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Instinct, No Citations ...

Originally Posted by Brad View Post
Seriously Mark? You are the last one I would expect to post this answer! Why wouldn't you just catch the ball and toss it back to the player? Getting out of the way and continuing the count is just mean!
In the end of game situation posted, if I thought the player did it on purpose I might call a delay of game, put any time back on the clock, and start the inbound over.
I've just been sitting back here, reading others' posts, not wanting to take a stand on this obviously controversial, yet with little specific rule, or case situation, backing, issue, but I've decided to give it a shot.

I've had many, many, youth level games, where, especially at the beginning of the season, a confused player, after a made basket, will toss it to the official. I've just tossed it back. So, instinctively, I would probably do the same here.

That's my story, short and simple, and I'm sticking to it until the NFHS comes up with a rule, or case play, specific to this situation.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Sun Nov 16, 2008 at 10:02pm.
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