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Old Fri Nov 14, 2008, 12:46pm
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Adam Adam is offline
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Originally Posted by Ch1town View Post
Team A is down 4 points with less than 15 seconds on the game clock. A2 scores on a 3 point try... Team A is now down by 1. Team B delays in picking up the ball, the official begins his 5 second count. B1 sees the count, picks up the ball & tosses it to the official.
What would you do?

Any casebook play provided would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I see three options here.

1. Your option is a good one; letting it roll and continuing the count.

2. Bat it back to him and continue the count. Don't start it over.

3. Stop the clock and re-administer. This defeats B1's purpose and allows A to set up their defense.

Personally, I like all three but prefer #1.
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