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Old Fri Nov 14, 2008, 09:55am
SmokeEater SmokeEater is offline
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Originally Posted by grunewar View Post
It's bad enough to comment about another refs calls publically, but, to yell your name out for all to hear? I agree with Juulie - low. Personally, I'd say something to him.
The way this guy was acting is unacceptable -I agree.

I also disagree about going directly to assignor/association. It would depend how well you actually know the guy. Alot of times you can handle these with a simple "what the Heck was with that act at the game." Like you say point out its innappropriate and then let his reaction dictate the next step.
You have all indicated the view from the stands is different and as a parent sometimes the emotions can take over. A little knowledge about the game can sometimes be dangerous, you know.

Now that your all going to rip me a new one for saying my opinion. I do not condone this behaviour and calling a fellow official out to show them up is plain wrong. I was not there and don't really know how this actually went down. Just so you all know a similar situation happened to me and when only one side of the story is presented it can be misinterpreted.

Thats it. Let er rip!
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