Originally Posted by Nevadaref
Definitely sad, but worse it was possibly preventable. The driver who turned in front of him was 74. I've said for quite a while now that our state governments need to seriously look at an age limit on driving or at least impose some kind of rigorous testing for drivers over a certain age. It's a fact of life that growing old impairs many of the necessary abilites to drive a vehicle. Many of these people are downright dangerous on the roads.
Whoa there. The article says a 74 year old woman, not a little old lady with blue hair peering over her steering wheel thru her trifocals going 25 mph under the speed limit.
I'm more leery of the 18 year with the frys in one hand, cell in the other, with 4 other friends and 98.5 blaring loud enough to be heard a county away and loud enough that the ambulance has been on her rear for 10 second trying to get around her. I see those example by the dozen's weekly to and from work/lunch.
You'll be 74 someday.......Jumping off soapbox now....
Back on topic, what a sad loss, not only for family and friends, but likely a community. Prayers are with the family.