I've Had enough
I greatly resent being call a liar and untruthful and all kinds of other things by some of you if I use a message pitch once or twice over several years.
It is becoming rather obvious at this point that you either don't understand the concept of the message pitch, or you are just being obtuse. If you disagree with people who use the message pitch, fine. Even using a sharp elbow about it is fine too. that is how we all get better.
But when you start attacking the character of another umpire with words like lie, and untruthful, then you have crossed a line. Umpires have to be people of trust and honesty, for both sides. Don't start attaching words that are loaded with trouble for other umpires who disagree with your stance on this type of issue.
Let's get this important conversation back to a level of discussion between friends and fellow umpires, as opposed to a boxing match with rhetoric.