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Old Mon Sep 16, 2002, 08:28pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Re: Founding fathers

Originally posted by Sleeper

Rut, you have a lot to share, both sports and otherwise. But much of it is lost in the way you present your information and defend your ideas and points. You have an ivory tower mentality that really makes it difficult to sift out the information. I do feel sorry for you.

I think you need to look in the mirror, look at your family and look at the people around you and value their opinion. You have no clue what kind of metality that I have, because what I say here has nothing to do with real life. I do not live my life thru a computer screen. I feel sorry for people liked yourself that cannot realize that. I am pretty much like by the people around me and my family. That is what is important in life, not what anyone says here. But since we are talking about politics and values, I have every right as well as the millions of other people in this country that does not buy into your way of thinking. I am glad you think this country does no wrong, has never done any wrong and should be viewed around the world as the "Great Moral Leader." But many of us do not trust everything this government has stood for and stands for. Does not mean we hate this country, just means we do not always agree with it. And for those that want to rip me apart about that, I do not want to hear a single bad comment about our past President. Lord knows that many (I know I have heard that voiced here) are not Clinton lovers on this board. So just like those that question the morals of Clinton, I will and have questioned the morals of our current President and the decisions he might make.

I guess it is just un-American to have a different view point. Maybe someone needs to feel sorry for their own short comings.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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