Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
I am going to disagree with Mike's statement that unreported subs will have no penalty. All of the penalties and effects in Rule 4-6.C (1-9) described, remain, EXCEPT that there unreported sub is now NOT disqualified as a secondary effect.
I guess that depends on what you think is a "penalty".

For subpara 3, yes.
So, if appealed after hitting, but before a following pitch or play, treat as a reported sub that has (effectively) now batted out of order.
Okay, but that isn't a penalty for the Unreported Sub. It is an out that probably wouldn't have occurred, but it also is ruling another player out, not the one who violated the rule. BTW, I'm not completely sure this is "never" the player's fault especially in adult ball.
Look at the effect for subpara 4, 5 & 6. If s/he is not DQ'd, there is no longer a need to replace her/him on a base in other situations?
I cannot remember which committee (Slow Pitch rules, maybe) where someone was asked "What is the penalty?" when noted that DQ was too severe a penalty. The response was to the effect that they believed it would be an out.
I'm curious as to how close the author looked at the effects before proposing the changes.