Originally Posted by OHBBREF
You are correct but I do not believe that case play is the correct one,
This one actually comes from the NCAA case book
RULING: The official is correct. Even though a timeout was taken by
Team A, it does not negate the violation by B1.
(Rule 9-2.2.b)
When a violation is by the free-throwers opponent only:
b. When the try is not successful, the ball shall become dead when the free throw ends and a substitute free throw shall be attempted by the same free thrower under the same conditions as those of the original free throw.
Why don't you think it's the correct case play?
Originally Posted by ajs8207
So is this the FED interpretation as well?
Yes, it's the same in FED.
Originally Posted by jdmara
2008-2009 Casebook page 67
Thanks, Josh.