Thread: Part 1 Test
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Old Tue Nov 11, 2008, 01:11pm
CoachP CoachP is offline
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Originally Posted by M&M Guy View Post
Ooh...wise guy.

I'm hoping you mean more than twice, as touching it twice is not a violation?

Actually, there is no set mechanic for this violation. The official with the call should step in with their hand up, palm open (to signal the violation), and perhaps verbalize the reason for the violation. I suppose to better communicate the violation, one might signal two "tips" (like the foul tip signal in baseball), but purists would say since there is no approved signal, don't give one. It is similar to the FT violation where the shooter does not hit the rim - there is no set mechanic or signal, but many officials use the "swirly" signal.
Dang, there we go with those "wordings" that thru me off.
If I get moderated for spewing out a test question so be it.

true or false?
A jumpball ends when the tapped ball touches a jumper a second time.
I answered False, but I confess, I false multiple fouled myself.

I answered False because I read the rule wrong and then told Tanner that it "could" be True because the jump ball would 'technically" end on the violation that the jumper touched it twice. But since that is NOT a violation.....I was wrong again

So basically, I got the right answer but for the wrong reason. Two wrongs DO make a right.

And I'm sticking with my 92.
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