If the batter stands still, he has done exactly what he is supposed to do. He may stand still, make a normal attempt to strike the pitched ball, or move to avoid being hit by the pitch. If he does anything else, he may (not must) be charged with inteference. (Don't let him swing and step across the plate with the runner stealing 2nd if F2 makes contact or alters his attempt to make a throw!)
Even if he stays in the box, and is attempting to move out of F2's way, if his movement intefers he should be charged with inteference. If he moves out of the box, and intefers in any way he should be charged with the inteference.
See OBR 6.06(c) and comment. (Note the "soft" inteference on the backswing before the catcher catches the ball in the last paragraph.) Also 7.09(d) for a runner attempting to advance to home with less than two out.
Roger Greene