During a Fed game if the official inadvertently calls a timeout for team not in possession, what is the series of events that happens?
This is how I would handle it, hopefully I'm not too far off since this happened the other day in a MS game (with my partner)
Timeout was called for team B by the partner. He goes to the bench...signals the timeout and starts the timeout appropriately...coach for Team A comes storming out onto the court and asks "Why were they given a timeout, they didn't have the ball?"...My partner then realized what he just did (I knew it immediately lol)...I went over to the team's bench and explained that play was erroneously stopped for a timeout. We have an inadvertent whistle. By rule, we allow the granted timeout and resume at the point of interruption. It will be your ball (team A) at *pointed the the POI*. Like we've always said, he just wanted to be listened to. He calmed right down when I got over there. Probably because I don't speak louder than a whisper while talking with coaches