Originally Posted by Nevadaref
Whoever rewrote the case plays for 2.10 this year really screwed up.
Now you got me started. So what else is new? These errors, and contradictions, seem to get worse, and become cumulative every year. Aren't editors supposed to edit, which should include proofreading? With the money, and staff, that the NFHS has, they should be able to check the entire rulebook, and casebook every year, not just check the new, and changed, rules. Check the old rules, and case plays as well. Maybe it's time for the NFHS to have two different positions, an interpreter, and an editor. In my case, it's not just the NFHS, but it's also IAABO. Their mechanics manual is terrible. With the rule change this year, it has the lead official observing the second lane space tableside, while the NFHS calls the space that the defender must be in the first space. There are always errors in the questions, or the answer key, on the IAABO refresher exam every year, and this year's IAABO new officials exam had two errors in the questions that we had to orally read to our candidates before they took the exam. Some good old fashioned proofreading would have discovered these two errors before the exam was printed. Maybe both the NFHS, and IAABO should hire some experienced, varsity officials, who also happen to be high school, or college, English teachers, on their summer hiatus, to proofread these publications, and exams. We all pay annual dues to these national organizations. Shouldn't we expect more from them? Now let me carefully get off my high horse, which is on top of my soap box. I'm getting old, and I don't want to twist an ankle.