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Old Fri Nov 07, 2008, 09:29pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle View Post
From NFHS 8-1-2: "...The ball shall be placed at the disposal of the thrower or placed on the floor and the count shall begin. Either or both teams may be charged with a violation...."
BTW, I'm intrigued by the use of the "may" in the rule fragment above. It seems to grant discretion to the official whether or not to "charge" a team with any violations they do commit. Judicious use of such discretion would allow the RPP to achieve the desired effect.
The use of the word may indicates that either team COULD violate and then be charged with such OR play may proceed such that no violation occurs and thus no violation need be called. The wording leaves open both possibilities.

There is no discretion granted. If either team violates, then it must be called according to the FT provisions. So a delayed violation by the defense would not be called if the FT attempt is successful.
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