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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 07, 2008, 03:15pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Ohio, cincinnati
Posts: 813
Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle View Post
Creating a situation where the most likely result is a violation then sitting back to see who it will be....that ain't basketball.

The RPP is designed to use the threat of a pending violation to impose a sense of urgency to get out of huddle. It's pretty effective. If you put the ball down on a throw-in, the team usually comes scrambling right out to avoid the five count. And the problem is usually solved for the rest of the night.
The solution to the problem for players and coaches is:

Get out of the huddle on the first horn and be ready to play on the second horn.

I noticed something interesting Mechanically in the NCAA instructions to officials on the meeting slides Walk to you position for resumption of play after team breaks the huddle
So if teams brake the huddle they will have time to get set before the ball is placed at the disposal for the resumption of play in either situation.
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