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Old Fri Nov 07, 2008, 01:55am
Back In The Saddle Back In The Saddle is offline
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I find it difficult to believe the NFHS really wants us to call a violation for the shooter entering the circle on this. Yeah, I know they could call a time out, but if the NFHS really wants to all but ensure a violation occurs on this, they should simply rule it an immediate violation, like in the new case this year on the thrower fumbling the ball away.

Is the intent really any different than the RPP for a throw-in? It seems to me the point is to put them on the clock and make them hustle over and play ball.

Yes, I realize the case play goes out of its way to call out entering the semi circle. But don't you think if their intention was to put the shooting team in a position where they must either call a time out or violate, that they would have been very clear about that?

I'd really like to see a case play on this exact situation.
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