Free Throw - Resumption of Play
NFHS.... Resumption of play procedure for a free throw following a timeout or intermission.
Part I:
8.2: "...The ball shall be placed at the disposal of the thrower or placed on the floor and the count shall begin...".
Defense is occupying proper lane spaces, offense team is causing the delay by not coming out of their huddle (including the FT shooter).
After placing the ball on the floor, do you immediately call the violation
(9.3.e), or wait to call the violation until after the free thrower enters the free throw semi-circle or until the 10 second count is up (whichever is first)?
Part II:
Offense & Defense are occupying proper lane spaces. After missing the first of 2 FTs, A1 (FT shooter) leaves the semi-circle and walks back to half court, causing an undue delay. How do you handle? Warning for delay? Nothing under 4.47 seems to fit.