Originally Posted by reccer
Dakota said:
But, that's not a batted ball....
Tom, I apologize, I did not read your reply correctly. The discussion got off on a slight tangent to my original query. Cecilone responded that a D3K that is kicked by the batter results in an out whether the interference is intentional or not. So, I am taking that to the bank unless someone else objects.
What happens if on the D3K that is unintentionally kicked by the batter while a runner is trying to advance from third to home. Is it an immediate deadball and the runners are returned?
And while I have you, if the kick is intentional, any difference to which batter or runner is out?
Reccer, reread the posted approved ruling and rule change explanation above. Then, stop trying to think of instances to protect the offense; no matter how many times you hear it in this board, there is absolutely
ZERO RULES BASIS to allow the offense to interfere (intentionally or unintentionally) because the defense made an error first.
If the batter in the batter's box actively hinders the catcher from making a play, it is interference (7-6-Q). Actively means does something besides standing in the batter's box; and kicking the ball clearly applies. It doesn't matter how the ball got there, how many people missed it, mishandled it. If the batter-runner leaving the batter's box interferes with the ball (fair batted ball 8-2-F(4), or dropped third strike (8-2-F(6), it is interference; and the dropped third strike is the clearest instance of the defense failing to make a play first, but the offense still may not interfere.
There is a baseball mindset that you don't penalize the offense if the situation was created by the defense failing to make a play. There is no softball rules basis to ignore a rule that applies if the defense first didn't make a possible play. If the rule applies, you should apply it; the only time you don't is if
ANOTHER RULE also applies and creates an exception. These plays you are questioning are not exceptions; the basic rules apply.