Thread: #55 Refresher
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Old Wed Nov 05, 2008, 02:01pm
JS 20 JS 20 is offline
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Originally Posted by MidMadness View Post
A-1"s pass is in flight to A-2 when A-3 and B-3 commit double personals. The official awards the ball back to team A nearest the spot the ball was located when the fouls occurred. Is the official correct??
I say yes, test says no..What am I missing?? Thanks
Think of it this way. I'm in the back court and throw a long pass to you in the front court. Ball is halfway between us and there's a double foul. Team control exists so we'll resume play w/ POI.

As for the throw-in spot, Rule 4-4 Art 3 states "A ball which is in flight retains the same location as when it was last in contact with a player or the court." so the throw-in spot will be the spot nearest to where I was when I relased my pass to you.

I would interpret the question to mean the official put the ball in play closest to where the ball itself was (in the air) when the fouls occurred. So then the correct answer is no, the ball would be placed nearest to the location of A1 when he/she released the pass.
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